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Expand, move or build?

The expansion or construction of industrial buildings can be complex, each of the options must be carefully studied.


Expanding an existing building: an economical option?

Expanding an already existing building has its share of advantages: very often, it does not affect and slow down production. It can continue in the facilities already in place. Once the work is completed, there is no relocation of equipment, no additional employees to plan for or address to change.


Buying or renting an existing building: an advantageous option?

There is a large pool of buildings that are already on the market, whether for rent or purchase. This option will surely require some renovations, but the investments attached to it remain minimal. The option can be very economical since you buy the building and the land at the same time. Expect to have to make major updates.


Building a new building: a dream option?

The construction of a new building makes it possible to meet all the needs of your company, without compromise. But opting for a new construction, at the cutting edge of technology, sometimes rhymes with long delays for obtaining certain municipal permits or ministerial approvals, and this, even before being able to start construction. The costs are often high.

For John Frare, there is no good or bad option, there is only the one that best suits the needs of his client.

The management of your construction project is a type of service that places our team in direct liaison with you, from the design of the project to the delivery of the final product. By Martin Beauséjour. To learn more, see the full article.

By Martin Beauséjour.

To learn more, see the full article.

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